You are Whole - Always have been and Will be๐Ÿ–ค

Yesterday, both mom and I felt it. A feeling like you're trying to swim through peanut butter - it  was dense, strenuous and you have no clue what the f*ck you're doing.

I'm not sure if it was because of all the planetary retrogrades in action, the 09/09 portal and energies or if it was because I ate pasta too close before going to bed the night before. Either way, I felt horrid the whole day and couldn't place my finger on the cause... How annoying!

I decided to take it easy on myself and not fight it, what ever needed processing (mentally or physically), it was bound to pass eventually. I came home from work, sat outside in the last of the day's sunshine and tried to just enjoy the moment in nature. I layed back, watching the clouds whilst listening to the birds and noticing them dance in the sky. How often we miss such precious moments of life because we're too busy pretending to be high-functioning humans with stress, anxieties and unread emails...

I watched the birds fly in beautiful harmony, effortlessly dancing above my house (praying no poop falls on my face๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜‚), and they were flying for the sake of it - purely enjoying the moment. It wasn't to attract a mate, build a bigger nest, get more food or get the pay increase at work. 
And I thought, "Shit, wouldn't it be nice to float about and just be happy for the sake of it; for just existing?" 
With that comes the idea, "Well, what's stopping me from being happy in my current state and just as I am Right Now?" ๐Ÿค”

-----> NOTHING is stopping you from choosing to be at peace, except your choice NOT to be. <-----

Allow me to elaborate๐Ÿค“
Being at peace is a Choice. It doesn't come from 400hrs of Yoga and 36hr fasts - these are great tools, but not definitive, fixed methods to obtain inner peace. We tend to allow ourselves to get caught up in our overwhelming doubts, fears and possible downfalls.
When I was watching those birds, I saw that they didn't seem worried about where will they sleep tonight, what will be their next meal, or if it's going to be cold tomorrow? No! They don't have doubts (so it seems. Lucky buggars), but what they do have is knowing how to get their food, how to make a shelter, how to keep warm. It's that inner knowing, or intuition, that keeps them alive and thriving.

After all the things you've been through in your life, you're still here and alive, right? You made it, even when you didn't think you could/would or even should ๐Ÿ’š. To who, or what, ever you believe in, a Higher Source/God/Allah/your cat/your SELF, you were always provided for and made it through, one way or another. So, why do you worry, friend? ☺️
Did I mention anywhere that this process was easy? Nope. It's not easy for the bird to always fulfill their needs, but they manage to get it done either way! Or else.... 
What's not easy is letting go of trying to control the outcome, as well as knowing that what is meant for you, will be (and not what you 'think' you want- huuge difference!). You still need to earn money to pay rent, ect., but if you are confidently doing an action to get a particular outcome, then why are you STILL stressed about the outcome?? ๐Ÿ˜… It comes back to being confident in your ways, like them birds๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿฆ. 

Essentially, if you stressed so much to get where you are now, which is slightly further than where you were yet you still worryin', then, babe, do you not want an easier way to do this?? ❤️
Put in the graft, an extra hour or course never hurt, actively listen to customers/clients, learn new techniques or whatever your career involves - Don't Give up the Grind! But when you're confident in your efforts, conscious of your choices and living in the present (not in the past or future), you will have a knowing that You are doing your best and the rest is being taken care of. ๐Ÿ”’๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘
You know that there's enough money for food AND luxuries because you learned to budget.
You know you'll land that audition because you've practiced 1,000 times +100 more - just to make sure.
You know you'll reach that goal because you made small and achieveable steps to reach it.
And you know you'll survive this difficult moment or situation because you've survived many previous dark times and you are always looked after. I'm proud of you, and you should be, too. ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

A very long way to just say, 
๐Ÿ˜Œ"Don't worry; be Happy"๐ŸŒผ

Much Love and feathery Blessings๐Ÿ•Š️,
Authentic Andrea๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒป


  1. This is so motivational. I quite enjoyed reading this.

    1. Thank you so much for your comments! And keep an eye out for more to come ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŒป


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