Self Care sets the Standard

We've come to believe that self-care is lush bubble baths eating chocolate dipped strawberries or buying Egyptian Cotton sheets - or anything obscenely expensive. Don't get me wrong, it totally can be those things (if your wallet allows it), but it's really a lot more simple and personal than that. 

I feel like self care can be related to that tale of, "If you love a flower you would look after it and let it grow, and not pick it just to keep it and say it's yours." 

Us humans think we just need to get on with what needs done and one day we die. The end. 

Au contraire! Our needs run much deeper than we are ever taught in life. We need nourishment of the soul, which is more simple than it sounds. 

I think it's best to start at the Basics. Have you ever thought about, "What is my Love Language?" - there's meaning to this so bear with me for a sec.

We all receive love in different ways. Those ways are Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Physical Touch and Receiving Gifts.* 

This is a great exercise to look into which of these 5 love languages form your top 2 or 3. It's like getting specific on your Christmas List - why ask others to buy you just anything they think you want when you can get Exactly what you want from them? Sounds like a winning plan to me! 

After finding this secret highway to your heart, you can now treat yo' self in those manners! 

You love Words of Affirmation? Tell yourself how proud you are of yourself, you love yourself, and daaamn human(gender neutral), you looking sexy af today! 

How about Quality Time? Spend time with yourself and by yourself (so important for any humanoid-no matter your love language!) by taking a walk with no electronic distractions, or sitting in your garden and watching your thoughts, or even doing things you used to love doing as a child and haven't done in years! 

Acts of Service is anything that you'd really, really like for someone to do for you. Any thought that sounds like, "Oh, how I wish someone would… for me," is your cue of what act of service you would appreciate. So cook your steak (or cauliflower steak - also yum!), pour your wine and enjoy every delicious moment. Cleaning your room/home space can be an act of service too. Isn't it a treat when things are clean, neat and tidy? You are gifting a clean space to your Self. This can be used as motivation in times when you don't feel like cleaning :). 

Physical Touch could be something you love too, but how can you do this on your own? (and no, it's not what you're thinking). It can be as simple as giving yourself a hug every day, or when you need it most. A personal fav of mine is once you get out of a shower or bath is to butter up in your favourite lotion and give yourself a full body massage! Light your candles and incense, listen to some relaxing music and enjoy your time with your beautiful self.

Receiving Gifts sometimes means more to some than others, (not everyone likes a surprise pressie - who are you and why??) Treat yourself to that book you're just dying to buy, or that really nice Belgian Hot Chocolate at the Supermarket to sip in the evenings this weekend. You know what? Go crazy and buy yourself some roses because you're a beautiful human and deserve nice things! 

These are just some examples and you're welcome to get creative and to love yourself like you would your partner, or anyone else for that matter. Don't hang around waiting to receive 'love' when you can give it to yourself in a way that means the most to you. 

By giving yourself so much lovin', the Universe will see that 'this is how you like to be treated' and double down on good Lovin'- so why delay? Act today! 

I'd love to hear what your love languages are and how you practice self care with yourself. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my post ๐Ÿ˜Š and please share your thoughts and self care practices! 

*The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman-a fantastic read and a great tool to assist you to love your nearest and dearest in a way that speaks to them personally. 


  1. Well done you... It's the first step and with any journey, that's where it starts!

    1. Thank you! ๐Ÿ’—The Guides and Assistance is greatly treasured๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ™

  2. You are truly blossoming and I'm proud of you. I love this piece. Keep it coming...


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