You are Whole - Always have been and Will be🖤
Yesterday, both mom and I felt it. A feeling like you're trying to swim through peanut butter - it was dense, strenuous and you have no clue what the f*ck you're doing. I'm not sure if it was because of all the planetary retrogrades in action, the 09/09 portal and energies or if it was because I ate pasta too close before going to bed the night before. Either way, I felt horrid the whole day and couldn't place my finger on the cause... How annoying! I decided to take it easy on myself and not fight it, what ever needed processing (mentally or physically), it was bound to pass eventually. I came home from work, sat outside in the last of the day's sunshine and tried to just enjoy the moment in nature. I layed back, watching the clouds whilst listening to the birds and noticing them dance in the sky. How often we miss such precious moments of life because we're too busy pretending to be high-functioning humans with stress, anxieties and unread emails....